Sunday, October 26, 2008

Potty training progress ...

Well, we hit the wall and BROKE THROUGH!!! Cady is pooping on the potty like a champ and you know what did the trick??? A chart! A couple weeks ago, I was sitting with Cady watching a show on PBS called "Sid, the Science Kid". The whole show was about using charts to record data. When the show was over, Cady informed me that SHE wanted a chart and I saw my opportunity. I quickly typed up a "Poop on the Potty" chart and it has TOTALLY motivated her! Why didn't I think of a chart sooner?!?


Butler Family said...

YAY!! Congrats to her and YOU!! That is so awesome

Cindy Thomas said...

A chart?!?!?!?!?!?! That's amazing Not ONE of my 5 children would do a chart. (I used Smarties and Skittles.)

Tina - Ball Team Co-Captain said...

Yeah!!!!!!! You go girl! My kids never took to charts, either, but, whatever works for you, aren't you just glad that you found it! Actually, I guess she did, huh? I have to add that Sid, the Scince Kid is one of my favorite shows...