Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Little Fishies

The girls completed swim lessons last week and they have both learned so much this summer, as far as swimming. The biggest hurdle was just getting over being fearful! They both have pushed themselves and we've tried to get as much swimming practice as possible.

Yesterday we went to a friend's home from church and the girls had so much fun!! Well, once Cady got over goggle trauma (refer to picture # 1, when she refused to look at the camera because the "stupid goggles" didn't fit), they had fun! Cady abandoned the goggles and was jumping off the side and swimming back with no help ... HUGE strides from last summer!

Maddy still uses a "noodle" but is really practicing paddling and kicking to get around. Our friend M. pointed out to Maddy that if she swam with her mouth closed, the water wouldn't get in her mouth and Maddy promptly put that advice into practice (refer to picture #2 ). I, of course, am not pictured because I look like a big polka-dotted whale in my swimsuit at this point, but I was there and it felt lovely to float around and feel LIGHTER!

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