Monday, July 7, 2008

Comments from Cady

Cady was perhaps a bit of a "late talker" but she sure is making up for it now. She is quite the chatty girl ... it's like having a running commentary on our life from a 3-year old's point of view.

Lately, she has said some things that I thought needed to be remembered ...

"I like ants because I die them."
(she hasn't really grasped the difference in usage between "kill" and "die".)

After a frustrating tooth-brushing episode, I make the mistake of asking,
"Cady, do you like to make Mommy mad?"
She, in total seriousness, replies, "yes."
Great. She's only 3.

We have been trying to teach Cady the concept of obedience, to us, to God, and that when you obey, you feel happy. Obviously, we need to adjust our teaching techniques because she recently stated, "You obey, then you die." Hmmmm.

Ray's personal favorite: "Dammit." That would be from our daughter, not from him. Yes, she said that today after trying to put an especially heavy piggy bank up on the table. After swallowing my laughter, I tried to emphasize that that is not a nice word. Cady pondered and asked, "you mean, like 'butt'?"

Before you begin to think that Cady is a profane little girl obsessed with death, let me add that this is also the girl who declares, "I love my little sister. She's my best friend" and tenderly tells me she loves me when we snuggle in bed. She's a wonderful, bright and fun girl and I love her dearly.


paige said...

that's what's so great about blogging. you can write it all down. i love her little quotes!

Rushton Family said...

Oh my gosh... I am laughing out loud. That was great!

Kate said...

never a dull moment! :) that is just too funny.

Anna and Ryan said...

That's hilarious. I love the line about ants. Kids and bugs...a winning combination

BeachMom said...

I was going to write, "Oh my gosh, but someone beat me to it." These are just too funny. My brother just taught Trey Ray's favorite word. I was just getting ready to write about it in my next blog. It will have to wait because it is way past my bedtime.