Saturday, July 26, 2008

Twilight and Brigham Young

The past couple weeks have felt long to me. I know it's because all I was noticing was the hard things about motherhood. I just felt tired of being bossed around (Cady), resisted (Cady), bitten, screamed at and hit (all 3 Maddy). Exhausted. Going through the motions. It's like I knew I was not in a good place but I didn't know how to fix it.

Two days ago, I checked out mentally for the day after I checked out New Moon from the library, the second book in the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer. I started reading during naptime and finished by 10:30 that night. I cannot put those books down ... they are sooooooo good and now I'm regretting that I didn't put the next one on hold at the library already!!

So after a day of indulging in mental escapism, I knew it was back to business. And I discovered something pretty simple but pretty profound. It's related to a quote by Brigham Young. Referring to prayer, he said once "If you don't feel like praying, get down on your knees and pray 'til you feel like praying!" Well, I discovered yesterday that the same thing applies to playing with my children. If I don't feel like getting down on the floor and playing with them, then I'd better get down on the floor and play with them until I feel like playing!! And it took a while but I broke through the wall and boy, am I glad I did.


Kate said...

1. I am so glad you like the twilight books. I SO wish you were in town this thursday. that's when i decided to have the twilight party. reason: i wanted it before the new book came out and ruined all the "suspense" of who she will choose.
2. i SO need to remember that about playing with my kids. very good advice! :)

Tammy T. said...

I need to check these Twilight books out. My niece Kennedy loves them too. But I didn't get into the Harry Potter books, so I don't know if I would like these????

Kate said...

i promise i didn't spoil it for you! :)

BeachMom said...

Yes, I really gave him soap. And I read the first three books in less than 5 days. I can't believe I did not read them until this summer. My poor husband and children felt very ignored.